This article comes as a necessity to analyze India’s electronics market potential post the recent ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’ and ‘Make In India’ movements. Though COVID-19 has been a disaster for the economy as well as to the way of life, it has built-up a pedestal to consider local products and reconfigure supply chains to avoid future disruptions. The COVID-19 period has changed the perspective of many due to clearly defined changes in work culture, healthcare, and retail. So much that we can see an increase in the use of keywords — ‘pre-COVID’ and ‘post-COVID’. To get a better overview of what situation we are in and what must be our future moves, I spent a few hours googling and here’s what I found: There is particularly a lot to talk about when we consider a wide topic as 'a market', to limit the complexity this essay only goes through government initiatives and numbers. Future parts will dive more into technologies and desi industries. IBEF: A 2015 India Brand Equ...
A short foreword : This is one of the most exhausting projects I have ever undertaken and had to go through a lot of different sources and materials which I'll cite in the footnotes. There are three parts to this post, 1) The framework for thinking about Time and how it's different from the Time we experience and know about as well as some basics required to move further. This is a suggested Read for everyone and leans slightly towards the technical side. 2) The second Post deals with The Thermodynamic arrow of time and one of the main reasons for me to write about the topic. It deals with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, and leans heavily towards the technical side. It contains the Physics aspect of the perception of time 3) The third post deals with the Psychological arrow of time and has the human aspect towards the perception of time. This post is written to explore how time is perceived by different individuals. You can skip di...